Elvis Never Was in Acapulco

$ 400.00 MXN

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This book documents the fictitious presence of Elvis Presley in Acapulco. In its pages, Adam Wiseman tells a story as outrageous as it is true: the King’s failed trip to Mexico. Its images combine traces of the Golden Age of the emblematic port city with characters from its past and present.

Accompanied by a brief narrative, it intertwines layers of truth and fiction within a cultural context marked by racism and corruption. The result is a tale full of intrigue, yet not without humor and beauty.


Elvis Never Was in Acapulco is a truth built on multiple fictions.


Adam Wiseman (Mexico City, 1970) tells stories at the intersection between document and the subjective narrative. He graduated from New York University with a degree in Ethnographic Film (1992) and completed the Photojournalism Program at New York’s International Center of Photography (ICP) (1996). His professional career began as a fine printer at Magnum Photos.

Some recent bodies of works of his include Arquitectura libre (2020), Tlatelolco desmentido (2014), Moving Portraits (2013), Área conurbada (2012), Not Close Enough (2011), and Subway Series (1998).

He currently divides his time between Mexico City and London, where he is the Head of Photography at the University of East London.


Art | Photography
21 x 15 cm
164 Pages
Five color printing
270 gr
English and Spanish editions
90 images
ISBN English: 978-607-98514-8-4
ISBN Spanish: 978-607-98514-7-7
Price: 400 MXN | 30 USD | € 28
Publication date: August 22


Cambiar idioma a Español

Weight 0.55 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 3 × 30.5 cm
Publication language

English edition, Spanish edition

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